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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thoughts on A Heat Wave, Ravenclaws, and Norway

While the rest of the country is roasting in three-digit heat, Washington has been chilling between 55 and 75 degrees. I'm not complaining by any means. Cause to me, that's actually a pretty nice summer. Hearing about what the rest of the nation is going through, is pretty ridiculous.

Thank you jet stream for keeping it so cool here.

But today was finally the first day where the temperature was above 80 in some places. Surprise, surprise! Honestly, with the way the weather had been looking, I figured we wouldn't hit 80 or higher until at least the end of August.

Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs are seriously under appreciated. They're the two houses that don't rely on ego or ambition. Ravenclaws know shit, and Hufflepuffs find shit. That does seem incredibly random.

Does that mean Hufflepuffs have a magical GPS in their heads that lead them to anything? Wouldn't if have made sense for the Trio to have a Hufflepuff with them to find all the Horcruxes and items they were looking for? Like, besides having just the three of them, having a Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw would have really given them an advantage: someone that's smart besides Hermione, and a person that can track stuff down.


My heart and condolences go out to everyone in Norway. Their tragedy is far more important then a drunken, drug addict singer that passed away.

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